The end of the semester is hitting me hard, and then I’ll undertake a 10-state road trip with my older daughter. And these are big Western states. So my regular posts here will be on hiatus until July. In the meantime, I thought I’d share some photos of historical criminal justice practices. I’ll be posting those on Wednesdays until July.
Today I have some more photos of old jails.
This is a military jail (or gaol, I guess) in Edinburgh, Scotland.
This jail cell is in Monterey, California. I think it’s interesting how closely it resembles the Scottish cell.
These are the ruins of the gold rush-era jail in Coloma, California.
This gold rush jail is in better shape. It’s in Columbia, California. My younger daughter looks happy to be there, doesn’t she?
This is also from gold rush times, and it’s in Knights Ferry, California. Summer temps regularly get above 100F there–imagine what it would be like locked inside those metal walls.