商品説明 特徴:仏事用のし袋無地百円袋商品仕様:金額の目安:千円〜一万円位迄用途:仏事全般表書:御霊前・御仏前・御香典・御布施。ハスの花浮出し有り入数:10枚のり付きワンタッチになっています材質:上質紙A characteristic: Envelope for a gift of money plain fabric 100 yen bag for the Buddhist mass Product specifications: The eyes of the amount of money are it lower: It is use to 1,000 yen - around 10,000 yen: Overall Buddhist mass address: It is an offering to a priest a funeral offering before the spirit of the departed, a Buddhist altar. Lotus number that it is embossed, and there is it containing: It becomes the one-touch with ten pieces of paste Materials: Fine paper 商品カテゴリ オフィスジャパン ノート・ふせん・紙製品 典礼用品 香典袋・多当 キッチン、日用品、文具冠婚葬祭、宗教用品のし袋、のし紙のし紙 JANコード/ISBNコード 4901125002558 商品コード e-03051538-460lot